Layer’s borrow and repayment

2 min readMay 7, 2021

When you have finished your deposit, you can borrow other assets. Please review the steps.


  1. First,you need to collateralize your assets to lend them out. Click the market, select one of your assets as collateral, and then click on the “mortgage” switch. The more assets mortgaged, the closer the health factor is to 2,it means the lower the risk of your borrowing.

2. After completing “Used as collateral”, return to the market and choose the assets to be lent. Click in and borrow on the right. You can view the highest lending pledge rate of the asset (for example, you can borrow up to 75% of the value of the mortgage asset BTC). After borrowing, you can see that your health factor is changing.


Enter the market and choose the assets to be repaid and the interest required

Calculation of loan interest

Annual interest rate of loan = Base interest rate + (utilization rate x plus interest rate)




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